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Thursday, 4 July 2013

Future Life

Assalammualaikum and ... hi ? :D
Sekarang dah pukul 2am and aku dah tak mampu nak kira hari ni dah hari ke berapa aku tak dapat tidur . Ah ~ Cmonlah syahirah esok kau kerja pagilah or you wanna work like a zombie everyday ? Hahaha !

Okay, sebenarnya banyak benda aku nak tulis tapi asyik tertangguh2 jadi aku macam dah lupa *dang* :D

Oh! Hmm... Hal differ semua alhamdulillah dah settle and now I can focus on work and wushu :) *yeah* Am I that happy ? Hahaha! Most of people asking "When you'll go to intern" and my answer only "I still don't know" or "I still don't get the place" Nice answer right? HA HA HA . Hati aku sedikit sebanyak "terluka" (huh?) bila tengok ramai budak intern post pasal kerja and everything but in the same time no feelings ... Hah macam mana tu ? Hmm macam tulah~ LOL -_-"

Dua hari lepas aku ada minta kerja part time dekat Coffee Planet but still no answer . It's okay, if no answer in a week then I'll call them :) We have to find what we want right ? ^^ Why Coffee Planet ? I love coffee ! *kyaa* I wanna learn how to be a Barista and Hey ! Working as a Barista one of the coolest work you know hakhakah . I wanna work with coffee that's why I choose Coffee Planet lo :) Why not Starbucks or other famous cafe ? Sebab aku SEORANG YANG TAK SUKA BUAT APA YANG DAH RAMAI ORANG BUAT , simple answer from me ^^ Coffee Planet kinda new in Malaysia and most people said the cafe best, coffee sedap and menu ala carte lain pun sedap then why don't I try kan ? :) I really hope I can get the job *phewww* Wish me luck yo ! xD

My future planning after differ is do 2 jobs (make me excited) and yeah WUSHU *woooohoooo* I wanna focus this 3 things than buy a guitar *kyaaaaa* :D Kali ni aku nekad oooo aku tangguh dan berkira2 yes or no since form 3 to have a guitar oooo and of course playlah (why so many 'o'? remind me to feizai LOL hahaha) Hey ! Hey ! He liked my pict on Insta *menggila* hahahaha Ada yang tanya, "Kau nak jadi 'gadis youtube' and I was like -_-" hahahah . I wanna learn and play not because of fame but the only fun ! I love music, it just that :)

Someone asked me, "Wont you feel tired doing all these in Ramadhan?" In shaa Allah tak, sebab first mungkin ini masa terbaik (since aku differkan) untuk buat apa yang aku minat and second my family getting worse (haishh) I don't wanna think what should I don't (even everyday I'm thinking how to solve the problems(sss)) and cry like crazy again better aku busykan diri lagipun since aku dah join wushu balik every week balik Selayang lo~~ *yipeeee* :D

Macam dah berjela je aku menaip dia pagi yang rabun ni (?) hahaha Okay, saya merepek :D
Bbyong  ~~~

I'm Outta Control! Always as Jester940627 :)