Most of people thinking that I'm QUIT !
Yah ! I'm not ! -.-"
Am I that stupid ? Am I that weak ? Am I that pity ?
He said he wants me to be On Top ! It kinda hard for me in this kind of situation but . . its not that hard also because the course that I'm taking is easy ( maybe ) . Well , most of people said that .
When she mention about everything , I was like . . BINGO ! I found the answer of my all questions in my head ! LOL
I'm still young but that doesn't mean if I stop doing this and that , then I'm not gonna to be On Top , or to be Someone .
Maybe this is the way how I live . Survive for life .
She even asked me , " why you always keeping for yourself ? at least please share with others . let people know what are you thinking , feel and everything . don't hurt yourself ! "
Am I ?
It's not that I don't want to share with people .
But with who ?
How to start ?
How to express the feelings ?
Which part is most to complaining more than to share the problems and ask the opinion ?
Tbvh , I don't know !
So , I choose to be silent but in the vibration mode .
Vibration mode : Some people can read my mind , body language even my face expression .
Sometimes I'm trying to tell people but . .
They maybe interrupt me or give me shit face .
At the end I'll stop to telling people because of three reasons ;
1 . I forgot what exactly I want to tells .
2 . Everything is totally wronged ! And not important to share at all .
3 . When people know how to make me start cry .
I don't know . .
If be silent and keeping myself is better or not .
Maybe I've to learn back how to be normal human !
If both of you read this .
At Midvalley Food Court .
8 Dec 2013 .
Two of you asked me why I've to thinking what's yours thought about me .
The answer is among us , even when we're still in high school with others friends I was the ' loser ' . I don't know how to describe that word more . I afraid if both of you will think negative or have a uneasy feeling if you guys still with me in the future . Because our level is different ! But when Giraffe said both of you will still support me no matter what and both of you know me well inside out , the two things that I appreciate the most ! Thanks !
I can't tell you guys in real life because I'll cry like what I';m doing now ( -.-" ) so this is the better way . I don't want both of you look my weak side ( childish huh ? ) . Tbvh , both of you is one of the important people that always in my heart .
Alhamdulillah I've both of you in this planet LOL xD